Race Volunteers

Race Director: Brett McNinch
Timing Team: Jen Yoak, Chris Stein, Jeff McPherson, Bill McIntire
Elizabeth McNinch, Rick Scharrer, Shari Scharrer, Karen Gildow, Kate Bausman, Lillia Wells*, Heather Wells, Eddie Weaver*
* – also ran the race

Important Race Notes

There was an error with the prize money awarded at the end of the race, as some individuals were placed into the “Overall / Masters / Grand Masters” categories and thus omitted from the age group awards. Those individuals are:

Female: Shelby Nolan, Julie Mercado, and Ruth Kohstall
Male: Matt Lemon, Rick Williamson, Jonathan Spowart and Mark Feighery

Those individuals should contact the treasurer with their mailing address to have a check mailed to them. Thank you for your understanding!

Any other errors or corrections please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page!

Race Results by Age Group


PlaceNameAge Group PlaceChip TimeGun Time
1Matt Lemon1:M 30-394:41.24:42.9
2Joshua Laughlin2:M 30-394:44.04:45.9
3Sean Magee1:M 20-294:49.74:51.6
4Alex Chappars3:M 30-394:57.24:59.3
5Justin Becker2:M 20-294:59.75:02.2
6Shelby Nolan1:F 20-295:01.05:02.6
7Ty Furlong1:M 15-195:08.55:22.5
8Rick Williamson1:M 40-495:12.55:17.3
9Jonathan Spowart1:M 50-595:14.15:17.9
10Maura Lemon1:F 30-395:18.25:21.6
11John Ritchey2:M 15-195:19.65:33.8
12Cameron Beam3:M 20-295:22.35:25.6
13Twon Hines4:M 20-295:23.75:39.5
14Nolan Gofer3:M 15-195:25.45:41.7
15Sinjin Jones5:M 20-295:25.55:30.5
16Daniel Sullivan2:M 40-495:26.75:30.5
17Nat Ankeney4:M 30-395:28.65:44.5
18Patrick Kennedy3:M 40-495:30.75:34.7
19Katie Ruhlman2:F 30-395:31.55:34.3
20Julie Mercado1:F 40-495:32.35:35.4
21Hernan Garcia2:M 50-595:44.15:59.9
22Chris Oconnor3:M 50-595:44.65:47.2
23Sarah Kittle2:F 20-295:44.95:48.3
24Marie Wysong3:F 30-395:46.25:50.2
25Chase Parsons1:M 11-145:46.96:01.9
26Liam Hartley2:M 11-145:47.26:02.2
27Colin Taylor6:M 20-295:48.65:53.5
28Andrew Oaks3:M 11-145:49.66:04.0
29Mark Feighery1:M 60-995:52.26:07.8
30Kara Storage2:F 40-495:54.05:58.0
31Christi-Anne Beatty3:F 20-295:57.36:00.8
32David Powers4:M 50-595:59.76:02.6
33Jerry Oaks Jr5:M 50-596:01.76:16.4
34Stephanie Mee4:F 20-296:02.06:05.9
35Ryan Jeffery5:M 30-396:02.56:06.7
36Tara Storage3:F 40-496:09.46:14.8
37David Sferrella6:M 50-596:10.16:57.1
38Tyson Andrews4:M 11-146:10.36:55.8
39Savanna Smith1:F 15-196:12.96:27.7
40Eric Mazza6:M 30-396:13.56:32.0
41Val Arias4:F 30-396:19.06:35.0
42Robert Saul7:M 20-296:24.37:11.0
43Jason Ragland4:M 40-496:28.16:43.6
44Kevin Thieke5:M 40-496:30.46:50.9
45Matthew Kennard6:M 40-496:36.37:28.0
46John Sauter7:M 40-496:43.97:28.5
47Frank Murphy2:M 60-996:45.46:50.4
48Vlad Gofer7:M 50-596:46.27:03.0
49Michelle Kitze1:F 50-596:48.56:53.3
50Lawrence Chow8:M 50-596:52.07:08.9
51Tessa Andrews1:F 11-146:54.97:40.4
52Kim Mazza5:F 30-396:57.97:42.8
53Ty Parsons2:F 15-196:58.17:13.1
54Timothy Gockel3:M 60-996:58.97:15.3
55Bradley Wells8:M 40-497:00.97:46.4
56Katelyn Beeson2:F 11-147:05.18:15.8
57David Beeson5:M 11-147:05.68:18.2
58Kenn Daily9:M 50-597:06.67:27.3
59Bassem Lgheig10:M 50-597:10.97:58.1
60Blake Mazza6:M 11-147:12.87:32.9
61Jaina Masek3:F 15-197:13.87:30.9
62Jeff Crosby4:M 60-997:15.58:00.5
63Caleb Bell1:M 7-107:16.07:32.7
64Alan Oquendo9:M 40-497:16.39:01.5
65Marshall Stafford10:M 40-497:18.08:04.1
66Frank Erwin5:M 60-997:21.98:09.6
67Katie Luedtke4:F 40-497:23.17:43.0
68Robert Sills11:M 50-597:28.68:15.7
69Jisi An12:M 50-597:31.98:47.6
70Cassandra Clouse5:F 40-497:36.08:20.4
71Cari Masek6:F 40-497:37.77:56.5
72Ellie Ross3:F 11-147:41.98:30.2
73Hannah Ross7:F 40-497:43.38:31.9
74Susan Hickey8:F 40-497:50.98:43.1
75Katelyn Richards4:F 11-147:51.28:11.1
76Callie Richards1:F 7-107:52.28:11.3
77David Collopy13:M 50-597:54.98:14.8
78Sophie Richards2:F 7-107:58.18:18.6
79Ruth Kohstall1:F 60-998:00.99:10.7
80Joey Mazza2:M 7-108:16.08:35.3
81Travis Beeson11:M 40-498:17.49:28.9
82Logan Williams7:M 11-148:24.510:05.9
83Christopher Buell14:M 50-598:27.09:17.0
84Jacob Hook7:M 30-398:33.810:22.3
85Paul Bohannon6:M 60-998:35.09:44.6
86Eddie Weaver8:M 30-398:44.812:11.3
87Jennifer Summers9:F 40-498:52.810:43.3
88Ethan Hickey3:M 7-108:57.19:47.1
89Ryan Hickey8:M 11-148:58.79:49.1
90Faustino Zapata15:M 50-599:02.610:12.8
91Kegan Stevens4:M 15-199:04.99:19.9
92April Hildebrand2:F 60-999:07.89:27.0
93Brenda Smith2:F 50-599:11.510:27.6
94Tessa Riehle5:F 11-149:18.110:29.4
95Rick Bowman7:M 60-999:21.010:10.2
96Dave Smith16:M 50-599:29.111:11.6
97Jocelyn Masek3:F 7-109:30.99:49.1
98Susan Hieber3:F 60-999:46.810:36.7
99Monica Hickey6:F 11-149:51.210:43.1
100Yan Li3:F 50-5910:06.311:19.4
101Rebecca Keller4:F 60-9910:20.511:30.5
102Pam Zhang6:F 30-3910:24.911:40.6
103Eliza Lemon1:F 0- 610:29.211:17.7
104John Grilliot8:M 60-9910:37.911:54.3
105Tammy Jean5:F 60-9910:58.012:13.0
106Emily Beeson4:F 7-1010:59.412:12.1
107Latoya Hook7:F 30-3911:03.412:49.8
108Roman Gofer8:M 20-2911:09.312:54.4
109Theo Summers4:M 7-1011:11.813:00.0
110Maggie Lemon2:F 0- 611:36.912:25.8
111Amy Beeson10:F 40-4911:57.813:10.4
112Isaiah Wells5:M 7-1012:09.212:54.0
113Jacob Bakker6:M 7-1013:03.713:07.9
114Kyle Miller1:M 0- 613:04.614:15.4
115Carol Wirick6:F 60-9913:06.014:46.8
116Heather Bakker11:F 40-4913:10.714:25.4
117Samuel Bakker2:M 0- 613:10.714:25.6
118Joshua Beeson5:M 15-1913:39.614:52.8
119Maher Qumsiyeh9:M 60-9914:10.214:28.1
120Shannon Shelton Miller12:F 40-4915:09.616:21.2
121Blake Miller7:M 7-1015:11.516:23.2
122Cindy Xiao8:F 30-3915:18.316:32.3
123Ed W Wallace10:M 60-9916:23.117:39.9
124Lillia Wells3:F 0- 616:36.317:22.3
125June Sanchez4:F 0- 617:24.719:07.4
126Samuel Bell12:M 40-4918:26.319:16.4
127Hannah Bell5:F 0- 618:30.619:19.9
128Rida Qumsiyeh7:F 60-9918:42.519:01.2
129Luna Sanchez6:F 0- 620:03.421:47.0
130Kristi Maxwell4:F 50-5920:27.522:21.0
131Valerie Smith13:F 40-4920:27.922:21.6
132Lawrence Cox11:M 60-9923:06.224:59.5
133Joseph Hendrix9:M 30-3924:01.825:43.7
134Ken Hendrix3:M 0- 624:03.325:44.3
135Stephen Wirick12:M 60-9924:03.725:44.9


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