About Us
Board of Trustees
All trustees are seated in February of each year, and officers are placed by a majority vote of the trustees.
Jim Bulach – President
Jennifer Summers – Vice President
Shannon Shelton Miller – Secretary
Chappars, Alex
Chow, Lawrence
Edwards, Kayla
Faux, Robert
Gangloff, Karl
Gildow, Karen
Johnston, Kevin
Masek, Cari
Qumsiyeh, Peter
Taylor, Rebekah
Yoak, Jen
Policies & Ethics
The Club’s regulations and policies are designed to provide a safe and professional operation.
Code of Ethics
Articles of Incorporation
ORRRC History
This is the history of the Ohio River Road Runners Club. The information contained herein was compiled from a painstaking reconstructive effort by Jeff McPherson in 2017-2018, and updated thereafter. If you have information to complete some of the gaps in historic information, please contact the Club so we may update this history.
ORRRC Lifetime Members
The following is the list of individuals that have demonstrated a consistent, long-standing and significant contributions to the Ohio River Road Runners Club purpose. Each have been empaneled as an “ORRRC Lifetime Member” after careful consideration by the Board of Directors, based on their length of intensive service to the Club.
Andy Helmick (2010s)
Anna Lee Sawdey (1990s)
Beth Whitehead (2020s)
Bob Henscheid (1980s)
Bob Schlosser (1980s)
Bob Thompson
Carol Bennett (1990s)
Clint Jett (1980s)
Cuba Allen (2010s)
Dan Shields (1980s)
Daniel Thompson (1990s)
Danny Losekamp (1990s)
Denny Bennett (1990s)
Ed W. Wallace (1980s)
Eddie Weaver (2019)
Evan James (1980s)
Felix N. LeBlanc (1980s)
Frank Postle (1980s)
Frederick L Dietrich (1980s)
George Snyder (1980s)
Greg Bell (1990s)
Ingrid Honzak (1990s)
Jan Brasier
Jan Harrison (1980s)
Jeff McPherson (2010s)
Jeffrey Watern (1980s)
Jerry E. Brasier
Jim Borgstrom (1990s)
Joe Smindak
John Grilliot (1990s)
Judy Smith
Karen Gildow (2010s)
Kate B. Finney (1980s)
Kathleen Tiller (1990s)
Kathy Shafer (2019)
Kathy L. Watern (1980s)
Kathy Robbins (2010s)
Ken Klein (1990s)
Ken Sirois (1990s)
Kevin Johnston (2019)
Liz Cramer
Margaret Hurley (1990s)
Mark Smith (1980s)
Mike Allen (2010s)
Mike L Smith
Mitzie J. Henscheid (1980s)
Nancy Dietrich (1980s)
Norman J. Sawdey (1990s)
Peter Shafer (2019)
Ray Finney (1980s)
Ray Olfky
Richard D. Osborn (1990s)
Robert Faux (2019)
Ron Brower (1990s)
Ron Cramer (1980s)
Ronald M. Hart (1990s)
Ruth Kohstall (2010s)
Sandy James (1980s)
Shirley Sirois (1990s)
Stephanie Owens (1980s)
Terry M. Murray (1990s)
Tom Tiller (1990s)
Warren Elam (1990s)
Wesley Owens (1980s)
William B. Mercer (1990s)
Many of our lifetime members are also a part of the Dayton Distance Running Hall of Fame, an organization unaffiliated with the ORRRC, but with a similar mission of spreading the joy of running within the Miami Valley.
ORRRC Trustee Leadership
ORRRC Award Winners
ORRRC Major Contributors
** – Indicates the individual served for over a decade in that position.
* – Indicates the individual served more than 5 years in that position.
Turkey Trot Race Directors
Edd Higbee & Pam Horning
Pam Berry
Wendell Owens
Tim Schroeder & Mike Sennett
Ken & Shirley Sirois
Connie Newman
Dan Thompson, Ken Sirois (2)
Dan Thompson (2)
Joe Smindak
Margaret Hurley (4)
John Comeskey (3)
Denny & Carol Bennett (8)
Gina & Andy Helmick
Margaret Hurley & Greg Bell (10)
Ghost 'n Goblin Race Directors
Ingrid Honzak (6)
Ingrid Honzak & Bob Schlosser (6)
Ruth Kohstall (2)
Ingrid Honzak & Karen Gildow (4)
Lindsay Groover
Lindsay Groover & Andrea Van Sickle (2)
Eddie Weaver & Peter Qumsiyeh (2)
Peter Qumsiyeh & Jen Yoak (5)
Marathon Race Directors
Jim Borgstrom
Geo Jumper (3)
Clint Jett (3)
Dan Thompson, Gene Black, Sandy Black (4)
Kevin & Chari Walsh (2)
Chari Walsh & Tom Stocker
Tom & Sheila Stocker
Noelle Bartlam (2)
Kathy Robbins (3)
Terry Murray (7)
Terry Murray & Ruth Kohstall (4)
Andy Helmick (3)
Kelsey Snively & Robert Faux
Kelsey Snively
Kelsey Snively & Rebekah Taylor
Lou Cox 5k Race Directors (Discontinued)
Lloyd Laubach (6)
Ed Wallace & Dick Osborn (4)
Ed Wallace
Bryan Waid & Barb Palmer (3)
Derek Griths
Jennifer & Bill Almoney (3)
Chris Lockhart & Beth Jacobs (2)
Chris Lockhart
Lloyd Laubach & Kristina Ryder
Jeff McPherson (2)
Rick Schoby (2)
Anthony & Aneesa Trimble (2)
Doug Picard (2)
Timing Team
Felix LeBlanc**
Jeff McPherson**
Dan Thompson**
Eddie Weaver**
Chris Stein**
Andy Helmick*
Karen Gildow*
Wendall Owens**
Stepanie Owens**
Jen Yoak**
Christine Bathgate
Diana Schmitz
David ‘Hoot’ Gibson
Christian Haag
Jennifer Summers
Kevin Thieke
Brian Lutz
Quintin Elking
Membership Coordinator
Anna Lee Sawdey
Gina Silone
Nancy Dietrich
Kate Finney
Phyllis Marquardt
John Grilliot
Debbie Todd
Robin Carmichael
Jo McGuire
Kathy Robbins**
Jeff McPherson**
Danny Losekamp*
Kathy Robbins**
Kevin O’Farrell
Eddie Weaver**
Kathleen Tiller**
Greg Lundberg
Becky Keller
Evan James
Clint Jett
Sandy James
Grand Prix Director
Chuck Bair
Jimmy Mayne
Ken Sirois
Betty Lou Warwick
Rose (Romanick) Plummer
Jerry Guthrie
Kathleen Tiller**
Karen Gildow**
Anna Lee Sawdey*
Norman J. Sawdey*
Becky Keller*
Wendall Owens**
Stepanie Owens**
Ed Wallace**
Dick Osborne**
Wendall Owens**
Stepanie Owens**
Bill Mercer*
Mike Allen
401K / Trail Series Director
Kathleen Tiller
Jeff McPherson
Ken Siedl
Phil Noble
Gina Gagliano
Jennifer Summers
Anna Lee Sawdey*
Norman J. Sawdey*
Jim Borgstrom**
Jeff McPherson**
Dan Thompson**
Eddie Weaver**
Kathy Robbins**
Carol Bennett
Don Robinson
Rich Heiber
Kristina Ryder
William B. Mercer
Sandy James
Norman J. Sawdey
Andy Helmick
Roxanne Edmiston
John Grilliot
Jeff McPherson
Clint Jett
Kathy Robbins**
Team Series
Kenn Daily**
ORRRC Race Directors
Andy Helmick
Becky Keller
Beth Whitehead
Bob Henscheid
Bob Schlosser
Bob Thompson
Bryan Waid
Carol Bennett
Chris Graham
Clair Duckhan
Clint Jett
Cuba Allen
Daniel B. Thompson
Danny Losekamp
Denny Bennett
Dick Blue
Don Robinson
Doug Gladman
Ed W. Wallace
Eddie Weaver
Everett Frizzell
Felix N. LeBlanc
Frank Fenton
Gary Hemelgarn
George Snyder
Gina Helmick
Greg Bell
Ingrid Honzak
Jack Muhurin
Jeff McPherson
Jeffrey Watern
Jim Borgstrom
Joe Smindak
John Grilliot
Karen Gildow
Kate B. Finney
Kathleen Tiller
Kathy L. Watern
Kathy Robbins
Ken Klein
Ken Sirois
Kenn Daily
Kevin Johnston
Liberty Eberly
Margaret Hurley
Mike Allen
Mike Randall
Mitzie J. Henscheid
Nikki Rogers
Noelle Bartlam
Norman J. Sawdey
Phil Noble
Ray Finney
Ray Olfky
Richard D. Osborn
Robert Faux
Ronald M. Hart
Stephanie Owens
Steve Price
Terry M. Murray
Tim McDaniel
Tom Tiller
Vince Peters
Warren Elam
Wayne Yarcho
Wendell Owens
William B. Mercer