Grand Prix
The purpose of the ORRRC Grand Prix is to recognize members who participate and volunteer at a variety of club races. The participants accumulate points in age group divisions. Awards are given to all participants (16 or older) who meet the minimum requirements. Members who wish to participate should register by April 30.
Those who register after April 30 may do so but might not receive retroactive credit for races or volunteer points at the discretion of the Grand Prix moderator.
Information needed to register is the name you use for races, gender, e-mail address, and agreeing to the requirements.
Race Participation – Runners 16 years and over must finish two club races in each of the three distance categories (two category A races, two category B races, and two category C races).
Working two of the following large events: Marathon/Half Marathon, Ghost n Goblin, and the Turkey Trot in the current year. You can run and volunteer for each of the 2 large events you choose.
Plus, be a non-running volunteer in at least any 2 of the smaller events. Non-running means you volunteer and do not run.
Points for placing in your age group will be awarded as follows: First – 5 points, Second – 4 points, Third – 3 points, and all other finishers 2 points. Point accumulation is for your personal information only and has nothing to do with receiving an award.
Results are posted on the ORRRC website on a periodic basis beginning no later than April. Results may also be added as attachments to this page. Points accumulate as you participate in races. It is expected that participants will maintain their own records and periodically review their results.
Grand Prix Qualifying Races are listed below.
Categories are determined by the planned race distance as given by the race director. The category will not be changed when changes are required before or during the race. The governing category is what is posted here. Category A is 5K (3.1 miles), B is 4.0 miles – 10K (6.2 miles), and C is any distance greater than a 10K (6.2 miles). For example, if you run a race that was planned to be 5 miles and was scheduled as a B race but because of icy roads or for some other reason the distance is shortened to 3.5 miles, it would still be a B race. **Races may be added, rescheduled, and/or canceled**
A Races
Sweethearth Shuffle
St Patrick's 5k
Sugar Maple
Vandalia 5k
Englewood 5k
Possum Creek 5k*
Lou Cox at Deweese Park 5k
Cross Country 5k*
Gift Exchange 5k
Challenging Perceptions (5k only)
B Races
Frostbite 5
George Rogers Clark Park 10k*
WingMan 10k
Tadmor 10k
Darby Creek Bison Run 10k*
Narrows Rabbit Hunt*
C Races
Frosty 14*
Sugar Valley 10 Mile*
Little Miami 10-Miler
Summer Solstice Trail Run*
Stillwater 7 Miler*
Veteran's 10 Miler
Winter Solstice Trail*