

Key Documents

Tax ID


Club Address

Ohio River Road Runners Club

3195 Dayton-Xenia Road
Suite 900, PMB 316

Beavercreek, Ohio 45434-6390

Club Financials & Open Books

Want to know about the Club’s finances? If you’re a Club member, they’re open to you! Just contact the Treasurer using the blue button on this page and make your request!

Race Director Procedures

Each race director is responsible for the entire financial activity and accounting of their race(s). We have developed processes to assist you with completing a well-accounted for and financially sound race. Please follow these processes to ensure you receive timely payment from the ORRRC, and to ensure your third-party vendors are likewise paid rapidly.

1. Check your race/event budget

Your specific race/event budget may be found on the race budgets tab of this site. You are encouraged by the ORRRC Board of Directors to spend per that budget:  the Board does not seek extreme cost-savings that would make our events “cheap”, but also does not authorize spending over the budget. If you are going to spend over your budget, let the Board know (via the President or Treasurer) at least 30 days prior to your event so they can get approval from the Board for the overage.

2. Get and Bring “Seed Money” to Your Race

You are responsible for bringing “seed money” to your race. Seed money will be used to make changes for participants who pay cash at the event. For a race of 100 people, it is best to bring a mix of a few single-dollar bills (less than ten), many $5 bills (around twenty), and many $10 bills (around ten). Since our events cost most non-members $19, you will go through fives/tens quite quickly. This seed money will be returned to you at the end of your race. The Treasurer cannot provide this money to you.

3. Print the ORRRC Race & Event Financial Accounting Document (OREFAD)

The OREFAD may be found by clicking here. There is an Excel spreadsheet form and a PDF for your use – either will be accepted. This is the document you will use to show your income, the seed money you brought, and then the payouts made during the race. The OREFAD is mandatory, and you must submit an OREFAD to be reimbursed for your race.

4. Bring the OREFAD to your race and fill out the information based on your race’s activities.

You must fill out the OREFAD and have an independent person (not the race director nor the Treasurer) verify your accounting, then have them sign off on the OREFAD. Without independent verification, your voucher will not be accepted. You also must sign the OREFAD, indicating you believe that the document has been completed with integrity and accuracy.

5. Send OREFAD and Receipts to Treasurer

Include any receipts you have, and fill out the information required in the voucher submission.

If you have cash from the race and the Treasurer was not there to handle it, you may elect to keep the cash and receive a payment from the ORRRC less the held cash, or you may arrange to securely deliver the cash to the ORRRC Treasurer.

Tax Filings

Frequently Asked Questions

Race Budgets

What if I spend over my allotted budget?

If you believe you will spend over your allotted expenditure budget, you must notify the ORRRC Board immediately via either the President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer. They will bring the overage to the Board, where the Board may consent to raise your expenditures ceiling. If the Board does not consent, you may be personally at risk for any overages incurred.

Can I get an increase in my budget?

Yes, however, it requires a vote by the ORRRC Board of Directors. Follow the procedures outlined above in “What if I spend over my allotted budget?” to pursue a budget increase.

Will any “extra” carry over for next year’s race?

Our budgets are handled statefully, year by year. Any “overage” or “extra” from this year will not carry forward or backward outside our fiscal year.

ORRRC Financial Information

How do I obtain information about the ORRRC’s financial status?

Our financial status, excluding personally identifiable information, is available to our membership at any time. Please contact the treasurer for any document using the “Contact the Treasurer” tab on this page. Include the type of information and the time frame for the information you’d like to receive. If you wish to receive recurring, monthly updates (limited to financial statements only for time reasons), please indicate that on the contact form as well. Personally identifiable information (members’ names, account information, addresses, etc.) will not be made available.

Voucher & Invoices

How long should I expect to wait for payment if I use the online submission form?

While we strive to have vouchers and invoices paid within 10 business days, the Treasurer position is a volunteer position and other tasks & time constraints may prevent payment within that time frame.

Will I receive a payment if I have an incomplete voucher submitted?

No. The voucher, including a completed and signed OREFAD, is required for payment. The voucher may be submitted in person, so long as it includes all requirements from the electronic version (signed OREFAD, all receipts, and totals for payment).

Complaints or Concerns

Where should I direct a complaint or concern?

If you have a complaint or concern not addressable with the Treasurer, please contact either the ORRRC President or Vice President for resolution.